Wendy & Dave
it is in great sadness
04/10/10 23:49 Categorised as: Family
that this blog recalls a life cut too, too short
Camilla was Jim’s cousin Wendy’s daughter. We did not know her well, but now we know we will have no chance to meet her again - to see her grow into womanhood, confront life’s challenges, endure its longueurs and relish its excitements.
For ‘Milla was taken from this life, and from the world of her parents Wendy and Dave and her brother George, far too soon. For them, and others close to her, she will forever be in their lives, and forever missing from them.
In the eternity of the internet, too, ‘Milla’s life will be remembered. We do what little we can in publishing a few pictures taken at Wendy and Dave’s place last year, to foster her memory...

Camilla Irvine : Died 25th September 2010, aged 16.
to wendy world...
... where, at Cocked Hat, Dave and Wendy
made us welcome on the Sunday afternoon, asthe reunion reunited...

Oh and Ralph....

The climax of the day was either the superb repast of Yorkshire pork with roast spuds, cheesy leeks and all sorts of other goodies - even the veggie option looked enticing, though we didn't get our hands on any - or else it was the walk in the woods, with adults, children, a horse, three (four?) dogs and a mog.
Jim took lots of pics along the way, and they make up most of what's on display here - check it out. And if anyone's got any pics of stuff they think we've overlooked, then please do email them to Jim and he'll add them to the appropriate collection