the day goes on...
23/07/10 20:42 Categorised as: Holidays | Summer 2010
storm clouds and downpours come and go
We stop for lunch in Chatillon-sut-Seine... a ways across the countryside in this most northerly part of the Département de la Côte d’Or, dodging downpours...

...and searching for Paris, and the source of the mighty River Seine.
Then all at once we’re there, at the veritable Source de la Seine...

... where the goddess Sequana lolls atop the spring itself in a grotto. This is a little outpost of Paris, administratively as it is aesthetically, in the depths of the northern Côte d’Or, no more than about ten miles east of Flavigny.
In these pictures Ruth ambles across one of Paris’s least-known bridges, the Pont Paul Lamarche (1902-2003),

and poses alongside La Reine de la Seine herself, seemingly assisting her in her riparian endeavours!

Then it’s back to Flavigny.
The sun finally breaks through over the town as we descend towards the Vignoble de Flavigny-Alésia in the valley below

and repair to the Maison du Vigneron to break out a bottle of “Demoiselle de Laizan”, the Vignoble’s not-half-bad Vin Effervescent.
For we still have a birthday to celebrate!!!
