Highland Weather
05/12/11 12:16 Categorised as: Highland Light | Scotland
from afternoon darkness, to brightness at midnight
some spring, this is
This was yesterday, about twenty past two in the afternoon, in Glencoe. Waterfalls blown upwards, or dashed aside on the rocks, beneath a dark, wintery sky, and with winds close to hurricane force

Then tonight, about ten days overdue, our first bright midnight sky of 2011

Note the Pole Star shining.
More rain forecast for tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow.
back to the beach at sunset
22/12/10 19:52 Categorised as: Highland Light | Scotland
04/01/10 18:23 Categorised as: Scotland | Highland Light
www3? that's Winter Wonderland Week 3
And here were we, out by the bottom of the Glencoe ski run, by the Black Rock Cottage and looking towards the frozen slopes of the Buachaille Etive Mor (great herdsman of Etive)
One of the defining images of the Scottish highlands. Jim took this shot today with his Epson R-D1 and CV 25mm f4 lens.
Ruth was driving, but slowly and gently enough to allow a fairly sharp foreground

Forecast says we may have another two weeks of this wonderland still ahead of us. Can't be bad! There was a little rain today, though, for the first time in weeks, and the temperature leapt to a basking -1ºC in Fort William just as darkness fell. So could be the thaw is at hand, or not....
return to the stacks
so that meant no alternative. Next day was back to Duncansby Head...
this time to get across to take a look at the Duncansby Stacks. Wonderful, extraordinary stone pyramids carved by the sea from the sandstone cliffs at this point at the NE tip of mainland Scotland, mainland U.K.
Interesting enough as geomorphs...

...they also "harbour" some interesting wildlife, such as the seals' taxi-rank you'll see in this shot

hailstones and rainbows
17/01/09 16:31 Categorised as: Highland Light