South Africa
more from S.A.
13/05/10 00:47
specifically, two more galleries uploaded in the last 12 hours
These galleries are from our time in Johannesburg.
The first covers our visit to the Constitutional Court - as much an art gallery/ celebration of South Africa’s diversity in creativity as a institutional cornerstone of the freedom and reconciliation process which is central to the political ethos of the transition from apartheid to C21 living in the “beloved country”.

The second contains pictures we took driving through the CBD (Central Business District) and on to Newtown and the Market Theatre.

More - many more pics - to follow (though it’s likely to be about 10 or 12 days before the next galleries go up)
at Last: South Africa
11/04/10 14:08
it’s been a while...
... but today has its first pictures from our South African trip last November online. You can access the first couple of galleries, entitle “Getting There” and “Johannesburg & We’re Off” via the new South Africa Galleries page here.

More will follow in the days and weeks ahead. Honest
04/11/09 23:02
here we are in Glasgow (or quite nearby). Overnighting in the Holiday Inn at the airport
Tomorrow we fly to Johannesburg, where we’ll arrive the following day. Tomorrow night it’s Dubai Airport for 4 hours between planes.
Here’s a shot of Rannoch Moor this morning. Taken from the coach

Good what you can see on a bus pass, heh!