May 2010
that time of year again
31/05/10 23:35 Categorised as: Highland Light
each year about this time we here in Fort William get one or two visits from the last ocean-going paddle steamer in the world.
Some years we’ve sailed on the Waverley, down Loch Linnhe to Oban and beyond to Iona, or out by the Sound of Mull to Tobermory and into the Atlantic beyond Mull and Ardnamurchan. This year we just happened to meet her as we were driving home from the Kilmallie Singers’ annual concert at Ardrishaig.
Saw her first by Castle Stalker, and drove on to await her by the Corran lighthouse,

then finally as she arrived at Fort William’s town pier

(Note: Built in Glasgow in 1948, the PS Waverley is just a wee bit older than Jim, and we wondered if she’d make it back this year. Not her age, you understand: just that a couple of days ago was the 70th anniversary of the Dunkirk evacuations, and we wondered if the Waverley might be over there, since her predecessor, the previous PS Waverley, was sunk at Dunkirk.)
more from S.A.
13/05/10 00:47 Categorised as: Holidays | South Africa
specifically, two more galleries uploaded in the last 12 hours
These galleries are from our time in Johannesburg.
The first covers our visit to the Constitutional Court - as much an art gallery/ celebration of South Africa’s diversity in creativity as a institutional cornerstone of the freedom and reconciliation process which is central to the political ethos of the transition from apartheid to C21 living in the “beloved country”.

The second contains pictures we took driving through the CBD (Central Business District) and on to Newtown and the Market Theatre.

More - many more pics - to follow (though it’s likely to be about 10 or 12 days before the next galleries go up)
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Loch Lochy, as seen by Jim’s Leica M8, March 2010. B&W conversion and tweaks in Lightroom 2.