that night in Belgium
25/07/10 23:38 Categorised as: Holidays | Summer 2010
we ate in a riverside café below the castle in the Ardennes town of Bouillon...

... and camped in the nearby village of Poupehan. Camping du Vieux Moulin, beside the river Semois. Idyllic, riverside camping? Sadly not. Will we be going back there? Certainly not - indeed, the experience of one night at Camping Le Vieux Moulin at Poupehan was just about enough to put us off going back to Belgium at all.
Why? Well, it wasn’t because of the slightly scary way we were forced to set up our tent in precise alignment with other tents and caravans.
And it wasn’t really so much the fact that a small group of 20-somethings decided to party, long, loud and drunkenly, until 3 a.m.. No, it was more the fact that the management of the campsite just let them get on with it, until 3 a.m.! And then, in the morning when we checked out, the manageress expressed horror at the “scandaleuse” events of the night, and would accept no responsibility for the “scandale de direction” that we’d had to put up with.
End of moan. Onward, into Luxembourg...
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