to town
27/07/10 22:57 Categorised as: Holidays | Summer 2010
to Luxembourg city that is. By bus.
To explore on foot. Luxembourg is a surprising city, with a long history and a particularly unlikely location for any city, let alone a capital.
The city straddles the deep, wooded gorge of la Petrusse

We walked the gorge. Under bridges

and the fortifications of the medieval town

through old and new

by the Abbaye de Neumünster

along the riverside

and back up into the town

Oh yes, and of course it’s a Grand Duchy, so there’s a Palais Grand Ducal

and a cathedral too

(post-war rebulit: Luxembourg was in the “Bulge”, when Patton came through)
And then it’s back on the bus, and back to Echternach, and our room in the Hostellerie de la Basilique, overlooking the Place de la Marché

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